Energy Notes
News You Can Use!
Feel Like You Are Losing Your Mind? All Aboard to Crazytown!
Are relentless schedules, unceasing demands, and suffocating responsibilities making you feel like you are losing your mind?
Well here are a couple of simple tricks you can use to speed up the process:
OEN Awards – The Singular Secret to Success
Last week at the Oregon Entrepreneur Network awards there was an impressive parade of success stories from companies of every stripe – tech, clothing, construction, you name it. In hearing the stories of leaders behind these remarkable successes, I noticed one common, pervasive theme – Persistence.
Why Do You Do What You Do?
What are you doing? Why? It is important to step back from our personal whirlwinds from time to time to consider those questio
Free Your Mind! (and Get More Done)
The way you manage your tasks can either free you up to be more productive and creative or it can make you want to curl up the fetal position. But by making a few tweaks to your system you can free your mind to focus on your most important goals.
Ordinary Task List or Supercharged Productivity Assault Weapon?
Most everyone I know uses a task list. New science shows it can make you more efficient and effective. It can take you from busy to super productive. Used improperly it can be a source of stress, frustration, and make you much less productive. So what’s up with task lists? What helps us? What hinders us? What does the latest science tell us? Quite a lot it turns out, about each of these questions.
Up For Parole? Make Sure You Are First In Line!
Many studies have now shown that utilizing willpower requires quite a lot of energy. When our energy stores run low, willpower suffers. It has clearly been shown to be a limited resource, but as we saw in Part One we control many of the variables that help us build up the strength of our willpower and resolve.
More Willpower Means More Wins!
If you’ve ever had to stare down a freshly-baked chocolate chip cookie, you know the meaning of willpower (or perhaps a lack thereof). Human willpower has been called “our greatest strength.” Your strength of will however depends on a number of variables that we now know are under your direct control. By understanding what makes your willpower tick, you can improve your performance and more quickly achieve your goals (and win more cookie stare-downs).
Accomplish More By Doing Less
Accomplish more by doing less. It may sound like some of the inscrutable wisdom of Kwai Chang Caine, but it is possible – just possible – that you could become much more productive by using these tips based in the latest performance science.
Ted Tuesday: Nigel Marsh – Work-Life Balance
Creating balance does not require upheaval, just the way that crash diets are not a good plan for long-term weight loss. It is all about being clear around your priorities in each of the life-roles you play and making small, well thought out investments in each of them.
Top 7 Tips for Staying Productive, Creative & Engaged
When you look at the people who are the best at what they do, the ones who have the most impact, whether athletes, adventurers, scientists, or entrepreneurs, most of them have a few common practices that significantly boost their effectiveness and ability to succeed. Any one of these 7 techniques has the potential to flip your script and dramatically improve your outcomes. Put together, we are talking about serious rocket fuel!
TED Tuesday – Daniel Pink “Drive”
Today’s video is the RSA animation of Daniel Pink’s “Drive” presentation. One of the coolest, most original presentations I’ve seen in a long time. I thought that virtually everyone had seen this video, but with only ten million views, that means that there are at least 100 million of you in the U.S. workforce alone that haven’t seen it yet. If you haven’t, it’s a must (and it is only 11 minutes). It is important information for anyone who wants to perform better, and absolutely mandatory for anyone who manages or works with a team.
TED Tuesday – The Surprising Science of Happiness
For example, what would make you happier: Winning the lottery or becoming a paraplegic? Easy question right? Not so fast. Research shows that after one year, there is no difference between the happiness of people in these two groups. Huh?