Productivity, Creativity,
Sustainable Energy,
& Performance

Every accomplishment requires energy. It takes energy to create your vision. The more energized you (and your team) are, and the more effectively you use that energy, the more you can accomplish.
Productivity, Creativity,
Sustainable Energy,
& Performance

More engaged means
more creative,
more productive,
more resillient, and
much stronger.

Staying at the top of your game requires balance. Taking time to revitalize, re-calibrate, reinvent, and have fun is essential to your drive, stamina, creativity, and long-term success.
Perfect Breathing
The breakthrough book that opens the door to better health, emotions, and performance using practical, easy-to-use techniques.
New 99-Day Goal Mastermind – Starts Sept. 8th!
From the Blog
Unlocking Success Through Iteration
Several years ago (ok, maybe it was more than that), as the exec in charge of an engineering department, I was discussing the power of iterative (Agile) software development with my boss – how much quicker, efficient, and cost-effective it is - and he told me “I use...
Better Brainstorming
Planning a brainstorming session? Read this first. There is a better way. Knowing what to do and what not to do is essential to getting the best results from your team. My background is in engineering. Creativity and collaboration are key to innovation and engineering...
Essential Skills Recap #14 – Keep/Start/Stop
Asking 3 simple questions can help you navigate the changes we are constantly facing, and help you keep small problems from become big problems – or worse! Last week I posted about how important it is to transform change into a competitive advantage. The best way to...