Energy Notes

News You Can Use!

From Revelry to Resolve

Yes, it’s true, most people’s resolutions fall by the wayside. Twenty-five percent have folded by the end of the first week and attrition picks off more with each passing day. Only 40% are successful after 6 months. But don’t let that discourage you. People who make resolutions are 10 times more successful than people who want to change and have the same level of motivation, but don’t make resolutions – only 4% of them are successful.

Get There Quicker: 10 Rules of the Road to Reach Your Goals

Well here we are, at the start of a freshly minted New Year. My resolutions? I want to accomplish more. I want to feel better and more energized, and I want to find the keys to making the most of my trips around the sun on our beautiful blue planet.

To that end, in the last year I have made it a priority to try and deepen my understanding of how all this works – this brain, this body, my mind, emotions, and creativity – in order to accomplish more of the goals that are important to me and to enjoy my life more.

The 3 Habits of a Highly Successful 2013

Yes, it is just about time to close the books on 2012. I’ve been thrilled to help a number of you with strategic visioning and planning throughout the year and have recently taken some time to drink my own eggnog as it were – going through my own review, visioning, and planning exercise.

To that end, I’ve culled out three powerful concepts – key ideas and activities that have the power to transform your results in the coming year. For most of you, this won’t be your first exposure to these ideas, but I don’t think you can see them or hear them enough:

TED Tuesday – Simon Sinek “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”

Stop for a moment and ask yourself, “Why do I do what I do?” Why does my business exist and why should anyone care?”

Simon Sinek believes that all great leaders think, act, and communicate the same way – just the opposite of everyone else. He uses as his examples Apple, the Wright Brothers, and Martin Luther King. I must say, I think he is on to something.

Visualization – The Secret About the Secret

The secret about the secret? It doesn’t work.

Now before you light the torches and dust off the pitchforks, let me say I’m a big believer in visualization. Having a crystal-clear vision of the goal, outcome, or future, and being able to see the path that leads there is very powerful. So it has been interesting to read what the research has to say about visualization and how it impacts our performance and results (for better or worse).

How to Avoid Getting Chopped!

There is really only one thing in this ever-changing, unpredictable, rollercoaster world that you have control over, and that is how you respond to this ever-changing, unpredictable, rollercoaster world. There are a couple of simple habits you can develop that will change the way you look at things, make you happier, and help you get better results.