by admin | Mar 21, 2014 | Employee Engagement, Energy, Healthy, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Productivity, Stress Management, Work Life Balance
The number one most important thing you do is to create energy. That’s right, it is numero uno. Why? Because everything else you do depends on it. Every synapse that fires in your brain, every word you speak, every muscle you move – every beat of your heart depends on...
by admin | Mar 7, 2014 | Creativity, Energy, Goal Setting, Motivation, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Productivity
I had the opportunity to hear Brian Tracy (of “Eat That Frog” fame) speak recently and he asked a very insightful question: “What is the #1 most important goal in your life?” In other words, if you had to boil down everything that you’ve got on your plate to one...
by admin | Feb 19, 2014 | Creativity, Employee Engagement, Energy, Goal Setting, Motivation, Performance Improvement
We live in a world that has been optimized for distraction and short attention spans (squirrel!). Finding focus in this environment is definitely an uphill battle, but it’s the difference between being a lamp and a laser. Focus is essential to becoming more...
by admin | May 29, 2013 | Energy, Motivation, Performance Improvement, Personal Development
Last week at the Oregon Entrepreneur Network awards there was an impressive parade of success stories from companies of every stripe – tech, clothing, construction, you name it. In hearing the stories of leaders behind these remarkable successes, I noticed one common,...
by admin | May 8, 2013 | Energy, Goal Setting, Performance Improvement, Productivity
The way you manage your tasks can either free you up to be more productive and creative or it can make you want to curl up the fetal position. But by making a few tweaks to your system you can free your mind to focus on your most important goals. As I mentioned in...
by admin | Apr 22, 2013 | Energy, Performance Improvement, Productivity
Most everyone I know uses a task list. New science shows it can make you more efficient and effective. It can take you from busy to super productive. Used improperly it can be a source of stress, frustration, and make you much less productive. I’m pretty sure I would...