by admin | Jun 30, 2014 | Creativity, Employee Engagement, Energy, Healthy, Motivation, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Productivity, Stress Management, Work Life Balance
Maximizing these three very important attributes will allow you to accomplish just about anything you set your mind to. It turns out they are inextricably linked together! What creativity, productivity, and sustainability all have in common is that rhythm and balance...
by admin | Jun 3, 2014 | Creativity, Employee Engagement, Energy, Healthy, Performance Improvement
When it comes to self-improvement and performance improvement, this is an easy one; a no-brainer. No program to follow, no new equipment to buy, no new techniques to learn. Aside from sleeping, eating, and breathing, there is no other activity that can benefit your...
by admin | May 23, 2014 | Energy
Many factors figure into success – vision, belief, planning, habits, willpower, etc – but there is one key element that trumps them all: persistence. Improving your ability to persist when the going gets rough can make all the difference. Obstacles Are a Given I...
by admin | Apr 22, 2014 | Creativity, Energy, Healthy, Performance Improvement, Productivity, Work Life Balance
I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I finally took the plunge and created a standing desk workspace for myself. I’m just wrapping up the first month and the differences are pretty dramatic. There is no going back. This change is the culmination of decades of...
by admin | Apr 10, 2014 | Energy, Healthy, Performance Improvement
Spring is here, the sun is becoming a bit less anti-social (at least here in the Pacific NW), and we are emerging from our soggy winter hibernation. As you begin to get into shape for the active summer season, one of the most important things you can do is spend some...
by admin | Apr 1, 2014 | Energy, Goal Setting, Performance Improvement, Productivity
Everything you do – every task you perform, every problem you solve, every interaction you have – takes energy. On any given day you have a finite amount of energy. In Part 1 we looked at how you can create more energy every day. Now that you have created all...