Energy Notes
News You Can Use!
Feet First – 5 Remarkable Ways that Walking Improves Performance
When it comes to self-improvement and performance improvement, this is an easy one; a no-brainer. No program to follow, no new equipment to buy, no new techniques to learn. Aside from sleeping, eating, and breathing, there is no other activity that can benefit your mind and body more than taking a short walk.
Persistence: The Great Equalizer – 3 Ways to Improve Yours
Many factors figure into success – vision, belief, planning, habits, willpower, etc – but there is one key factor that trumps them all: persistence. Improving your ability to persist when the going gets rough can make all the difference.
The Dramatic Differences of a Standing Desk
I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I finally took the plunge and created a standing desk workspace for myself. I’m just wrapping up the first month and the differences are pretty dramatic. There is no going back.
Boost Your Spring Training with Breath Training
As you begin to get into shape for the active summer season, one of the most important things you can do is spend some time training your breath. There is nothing that will improve your physical and athletic performance (as well as health and healing) more than improving your breathing.
Maximize Your “Return on Energy” in 4 Simple Steps
Everything you do – every task you perform, every problem you solve, every interaction you have – takes energy. On any given day you have a finite amount of energy. In Part 1 we looked at how you can create more energy every day. Now that you have created all that essential energy, let’s look at how you can get the most from it. Here are 4 simple steps you can take to maximize your “Return on Energy”:
3 Tips For Creating More Energy
The number one most important thing you do is to create energy. That’s right, it is numero uno. Why? Because everything else you do depends on it. Every synapse that fires in your brain, every word you speak, every muscle you move – every beat of your heart depends on it. Want to perform better? Want to get more done? Want to be more creative? Create more energy.
Use This Simple Formula for Accelerated Goal Achievement
If you had to boil down everything that you’ve got on your plate to one overarching meta-goal, the one that would have the most impact on your long-term happiness and success, do you know what that would be?
Focus: Are You a Lamp or a Laser
We live in a world that has been optimized for distraction and short attention spans (squirrel!). Finding focus in this environment is definitely an uphill battle, but it’s the difference between being a lamp and a laser.
One Habit that Can Change Your Life
Habits are the most powerful tool you have to make positive changes in your life – by programming your behavior. Keystone habits are a special class of habit that you can use to turbo-charge your willpower and more quickly reach your goals!
CPR for Your New Year’s Goals
Most people who make New Years resolutions are not successful. In fact most resolutions never even see February. If, like the majority of people who made New Year’s resolutions, you are seeing your goals and aspirations circling the drain or about to go on life-support, here are a couple of tips and insights that can help you be successful in all of your attempts to improve yourself and create a better life. So charge up the paddles and get ready to jump-start your resolutions.
If You Do Just One Thing This Month…
If you do just one thing this month, write down your goals.
This is the single most important step you can take if you are serious about reaching your goals or making changes in your life.
Visualization and DIY Gene Modification
Visualization has long been seen by some as akin to wishing on a star or a four-leaf clover-with a rate of return somewhere in the neighborhood of a Powerball ticket.
It turns out the odds are a lot better than that, in fact hard science has proven that visualization is a real and powerful tool that each of us can easily use to shape our lives and create better outcomes – personally and professionally.