by admin | Jan 22, 2013 | Goal Setting, Motivation, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Productivity
Now that we are well into January’s back nine, how are you doing with your grand resolutions, that bright shiny new life that you envisioned for yourself? If you are like most people, you started out strong, determined, and excited but may have recently fallen off the...
by admin | Nov 25, 2012 | Employee Engagement, Motivation, Performance Improvement, Productivity
Stop for a moment and ask yourself, “Why do I do what I do?” Why does my business exist and why should anyone care?” Simon Sinek believes that all great leaders think, act, and communicate the same way – just the opposite of everyone else. He uses as his examples...
by admin | Aug 5, 2012 | Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Goal Setting, Motivation, Performance Improvement, Productivity
A recent edition of the Mckinsey Quarterly had some rather stunning statistics. The first was that people who are fully engaged at work – mind, body, and spirit (i.e. in the zone), are 5 times as productive. As in 500% more productive! Mckinsey also states that most...
by admin | Jul 5, 2012 | Motivation, Performance Improvement, Personal Development
There is really only one thing in this ever-changing, unpredictable, rollercoaster world that you have control over, and that is how you respond to this ever-changing, unpredictable, rollercoaster world. There are a couple of simple habits you can develop that will...