Perfect Breathing:
Transform Your Life One Breath At A Time
By Al Lee and Don Campbell
Our influential book, “Perfect Breathing,” can help. Since 2010, we have been teaching people how to become more aware of their breath, how to recognize situations where you need to breathe the most efficiently, and to jog your mind and body into taking full, cleansing and powerful breaths to improve every facet of your life.
Intentional breathing reverses nearly everything that chronic stress does to our bodies. Wellness expert Andrew Weil once stated that, “If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.”
This book can help you accomplish two simple but important things: Raising your awareness level about the power of your breath and the benefits it can bring you, and teaching you conscious ways to use that awareness. In easy-to-understand language and simple exercises, we show you how to harness that power, to be mindful of each breath, to use that here-and-now presence to great advantage.
Taking control of your breathing can significantly impact all areas of your life – your health, mind and emotions, performance and spiritual experience. Let your next breath be a perfect breath.
Book Chapters
Part One: Introduction
Chapter 2: First Breath, Last Breath, and Every One in Between
Part Two: Your Perfect breath
Chapter 4: Body Awareness
Chapter 5: Emotional Awareness
Chapter 6: Spiritual Awareness
Chapter 7: Perfect Breathing
Chapter 8: Transformation
Part Three: Health and Healing
Chapter 10: Beating Stress
Chapter 11: Healing
Chapter 12: Renewal

Part Four: Performance
Chapter 14: Mental Performance
Chapter 15: The Zone
Part Five: The Power of Emotions
Chapter 17: The Eye of the Storm
Chapter 18: Emotional Control
Part Six: Our Spiritual Experience
Chapter 21: Prayer, Meditation, and Contemplation
Part Seven: Last Breath
Recommended Reading
for your health and well-being. [The 6-Second Breath] is the beat of a healthful, more relaxed life. Try it and see if it doesn’t feel right.